Gift Planning
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Parish Preservation Fund

Aging gracefully. That's often the challenge as the years begin to accumulate. The same is true for parish church structures, some of which are more than 200 years old. The Diocese of Lafayette is blessed with beautiful, historic churches and buildings that require preservation and upkeep. The goal of the Parish Preservation Fund is to create a funding stream that will assist parishes with the cost of taking care of these buildings, so they remain beautiful and functional well into the future.

Church buildings often serve as landmarks and as centers of service, gathering and celebration. They deserve to be protected and preserved for future generations. The Parish Preservation Fund will help to safeguard their physical legacies and strengthen the value they contribute to their congregations and the communities around them.

At this time, the Parish Preservation Fund is a non-endowed fund. This means that your gift is put to use as soon as there is a valid need.


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