Gift Planning
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Catholic Education Endowment and Scholarships

Train the young in the way they should go;  even when old, they will not swerve from it.  Proverbs 22:6

Our Catholic schools and catechism programs nourish young minds and form their students to lead with Catholic values. You can help to ensure the future of Catholic education in the diocese through your gift to the Champions of Catholic Education Endowment. This endowment will provide for needs-based tuition assistance, professional educator development, technology and multi-media support and religious education initiatives. Funds are being raised through individual, foundation and corporate gifts. Grants to Catholic schools and parish catechesis programs will be available once the endowment's corpus and earnings reach $1 million.

Endowment proceeds are to be directed through a grants process to Catholic schools and parish catechism programs that are significantly challenged in meeting the scholarship requests of their students, the development needs of their faculty or upgrades to technology/multi-media platforms . Those wanting to make a gift to this endowment may designate a gift to the Diocese of Lafayette Champions of Catholic Schools Education Fund in their will or charitable gift annuity or by naming this fund as its beneficiary in an IRA or life insurance policy. Outright gifts may also be made at any time by calling the Office of Stewardship and Development at 337-261-5642.

Catholic School-based Tuition Assistance

While each Catholic school in the Diocese of Lafayette sets their own budgets, nearly all of them offer need-based aid available to families seeking tuition assistance. If you have a specific school in mind to which you would like to direct a contribution for tuition assistance, please contact the school's principal or development director. Use this link to identify the best contact.


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